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To book an appointment, please call or contact me through the various applications below!

+1 613-739- BROW (2769)
Aya Hamed Beauty Studio Ottawa Ontario Gray

Hey guys, it’s me Aya Hamed here! Thank you all for visiting my site, but if you’re not sold on permanent makeup – let me tell you why I love it!

aya hamed

owner/pmu artist

what clients are saying

frequently asked questions

who can benefit from permanent makeup?

Permanent makeup is great for any woman who is on the go. For instance, permanent makeup is ideal for active or busy people who do not necessarily have the time for a 30min – 1hr makeup regimen. To view more of my services, click here!

can permanent makeup fade?

Just like a traditional tattoo fades overtime, permanent makeup is more susceptible to fading because it’s composed of mainly pigments not ink. Permanent makeup techniques like Powdered or Nano Brows are created to naturally fade overtime as your skin breaks down pigment. Permanent brows typically last between 1-3 years. The oiler the skin, the faster the pigment fades; the drier or mature the skin, the longer the pigment holds in.

does it hurt?

A special topical numbing cream is used to help with any discomfort during the procedure. Women usually rate the pain a 2-3 out of 10, which is awesome! With proper hand positioning, stetch and needle depth, I hardly hurt my clients. In fact, I am told from my clients that my hands are gentle!

what's the difference between permanent makeup & a tattoo?

Honestly it’s a marketing scam! Anything going underneath your skin is a form of tattoo. Microblading, Nano Brows, Powdered Brows, Magic Shading, Dusty Brows and Aquarelle Lips… the list going on, are all forms of tattoo and used for marketing. However over the years the PMU industry has evolved graciously, with better techniques, grade “A” pigments such as permablend, Evenflo and tina davies, and overall better education. Traditional body tattoos are created using ink whereas permanent makeup uses more pigments.   


Our Location

1729 BANK ST. UNIT 206 K1V 7Z5

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